As a logistics property owner, Catena operates in a cross-industry context that extends from properties to the construction and logistics sectors. These are areas of operations that are crucial to modern society while unequivocally impacting the environment. However, Catena can have a positive influence on both stakeholders and the environment by developing more sustainable logistics.

Our high ambitions help us to change quickly. We play an important role in society and strive for resource-efficient construction and more climate-neutral solutions. Through collaborations, we have the opportunity to engage and be inspired by others, and to share good examples.

Climate-smart locations

There are many opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of the logistics system. We want to find opportunities together with various partners, be involved in networks and have regular meetings with municipal leaders in our market areas to support the development of more sustainable logistics.

Transportation is energy-intensive and has an impact on the environment. By carefully selecting the right location for your logistics facilities, you can minimize transport and thus the impact on the environment. Transport efficiency is also an important factor for your company's profitability, as Sweden has long distances and a high dependence on exports.

By placing warehouses and terminals outside urban centres, incoming cargo can be delivered to these transhipment terminals. There, goods to be forwarded into the urban centre can be reloaded in a manner that enables higher load factors, flexibility in truck sizes and more accurate route planning. This creates opportunities for more cost-effective solutions. At the same time, it becomes more convenient for the recipients when the number of delivieries is reduced. Each situation is unique, but there are great opportunities to improve the efficiency of logistics in Sweden's city centers.

Vision image Stjärntorget in Arenastaden

City logistics creates opportunities

The joint venture Urban Services is working for more innovative and smart city logistics solutions in Arenastaden, Stockholm.